
Use Function keys and keyboard shortcuts to quickly access features and functions

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Function Key Shortcuts

F1 Help

No matter where you are in the CreativeStudio® Screens, you can just press the F1- Help Key and you will be presented with the Help system that is integrated into the software.

F2 Virtual Stitchout

This checks the path, and 'boinks' if there are jump stitches (breaks) found.

F3 Image Attributes

Attributes refer to how an image (pattern or picture) is displayed.

F4 Set Sew Order

Resequence the sewing order and change stitching direction for each pattern.

F5 and F6 Are available


F7 Node View

A selected pattern is shown with nodes, allowing the nodes to be modified with the mouse.


Universal Pattern Anchor

Changes the Pattern Selection Resizing Handles to Universal. 


Edge Pattern Anchor

Changes the Pattern Selection Resizing Handles to Edge.


Center Pattern Anchor

Change Pattern Selection Resizing Handles to Center. 


Endpoint Pattern Anchor

Change Pattern Selection Resizing Handles to Endpoint 


Stretch Pattern Anchor

Change Pattern Selection Resizing Handles to Stretch.


Keyboard Shortcuts


Selects multiple items

Selects all items

Copy object

Export image

Import image

Create a new project

Open an existing project

Print image from the CAD

Save the current project

Paste object

Cut object

Re-execute the command

Reverse the most recent command


Begin/end Draw Arc process

Begin/end Draw Boundary process

Begin/end Draw Curve process

Begin/end Draw Freehand process

Begin/end Draw Line process

Begin/End Draw Pattern process

Begin Draw Trim outline process

scape from a command sequence or mode

Selects each pattern in order. Useful when any are stacked on each other.

Selects each boundary in order. Useful when any are stacked.

Selects each trim in order. Useful when any are stacked.

Delete the highlighted text or object

Navigate through quilt groups

Arrow = Nudge selected patterns, 100 pixels. Alt + Arrow = tiny nudge, 10 pixels.

Ctrl + Arrow = a big nudge, 500 pixels. Ctrl also hides the handles.

Show crosshair on CAD

Display properties of first select pattern(s) on the quilt group

Display snap settings briefly

Flip horizontal first select pattern(s) on the quilt group

Flip vertical first select pattern(s) on the quilt group

Rotate first select pattern(s) on the quilt group