Non-Functioning iPattern Studio

Moving Data from Non-Functioning iPattern Studio to CreativeStudio

If your iPattern Studio is non-functioning you can use these instructions to export a database to import to CreativeStudio: 

These instructions are for Statler users who have patterns stored in iPatternStudio, but their iPatternStudio program is not working or will not export. This method should ONLY be used if your iPatternStudio export function does not work.

The best method to get data out of iPatternStudio (iPS) and into CreativeStudio (CS) is to use the iPS export function found under iPS File, Export Data. But If iPS Export Data is NOT working, below is an alternative method.

Extreme care must be taken when following these instructions because they use the main iPS database to transfer pattern data into CS. Failure to follow instructions exactly could result in the complete loss of your iPS database. Read through the steps before starting. If you are not completely comfortable with all the steps enlist the assistance of someone who is before starting.

How to import your main iPatternStudio database into CreativeStudio when the export function is not available:

• On a computer that has iPS installed navigate to C:\Users\YOUR PC USER NAME\

• Right click the file iPatternData_1_5.sqlite and select Copy.
• Right click in the white open space and select Paste. You now have a backup
copy of your main iPS database.
• You should see iPatternData_1_5 - Copy.sqlite. Right click this file and select
• Change the file extension to .ipattern. We also recommend adding the date to
the name.
• You should now see iPatternData_1_5 - Copy_2019-09-12.ipattern. Right click this
file and select Copy.
• Go to your computer desktop and pick Paste.
• Open CreativeStudio
• In the Patterns Tab, under Import (heart paper icon), select Import iPatternStudio.
• Navigate to your desktop and select the file
iPatternData_1_5 - Copy_2019-09-10.ipattern. Select Open.
• Now, all your iPS patterns are in CreativeStudio.