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  2. General Machine Care and Maintenance
  3. The Machine Head: Mechanics, Stitching and Troubleshooting

Statler Specific Components

A summary of machine components specific to the Statler and Statler Ascend

Note: X and Y Motors and the pulleys look different between Statler and Statler Ascend machines.

Controller: The controller houses the components to electronically drive the Statler and Statler Ascend.  WARNING: High Voltage. Do not open controller. 


Wiring Harness: Provides the connection between the controller and the machine head.

Rear Keypad and Front Keypad: Used to make CreativeStudio selections from the machine head.

Y Motor: The Y motor powers the Y Motor Belt, which guides the vertical movements of the machine head. 

X Motor Belt: The X motor powers the X Motor Belt, which guides the horizontal movements of the machine head. 

Computer: The computer operates the CreativeStudio software 

Laser Light: Is aimed at the needle to pinpoint the location the needle will enter the fabric.