Troubleshooting the Thread Break Sensor

Learn tips for dealing with false thread breaks and other thread break sensor issues

The thread break sensor is at the top and roughly the center of the thread path. When this wheel stops turning, and if thread break detection is turned on, an alarm will trigger and the machine will stop stitching until the thread break is resolved. 

No Thread Break Alarm when Bobbin is Empty

The thread break sensor is not intended to function as a bobbin empty alert. Occasionally, when the bobbin runs out, the top thread stops moving which triggers a thread break alarm. In general, however, a thread break alarm will not be triggered because the top thread is still turning the thread break sensor as the stitcher moves across the quilt. Do not assume that the stitcher will stop on its own when the bobbin is empty. 

False Thread Breaks

False thread breaks are when a thread break alarm is triggered but the thread has not actually broken. These false thread breaks can sometimes happen at the beginning of stitching, specifically during the tie-on stitches when the stitcher moves very little distance. If the top thread is NOT broken and the bobbin has not run out, wrap the thread around the thread break sensor one more time and retry. If you experience persistent false thread breaks, adjust the thread break delay to a larger number.  This will reduce the sensitivity of the thread break sensor.

Adjusting the Thread Break Delay

VIDEO | Thread Break Sensor Tip


If the thread break sensor is on, the machine will stop if a thread break is detected. The thread break sensor is part of the top thread path. The thread wraps around it and as the machine stitches, the sensor turns. If it stops turning for a few seconds the machine assumes the thread has broken and will stop moving.

The sensitivity of the thread break sensor can be adjusted to your preference. Thread Break Delay (in seconds) can be set under Service > Technical Support > Controller Definitions.