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  3. Exploring the Table and Loading the Quilt

Zippered Leaders

Zippered leaders are a set of leaders with a zipper that allow you to remove a quilt from the frame by simply zipping it off the canvas leaders.

zippered leadersZippered leaders are a set of leaders with a zipper that allows you to remove a quilt from the frame by simply zipping it off the canvas leaders. The zip ends are zipped off and the fabric layers are basted or pinned to the edge. After all the edges have been basted to the leaders you simply zip them back on, roll the fabric onto the rollers and the quilt is loaded. 

Zipper leaders allow you to take an unfinished quilt off the frame if you need to start another project or if someone else wants to use the machine. If you have trouble standing and pinning the fabric to the leaders, the zipper leaders can be zipped off and the fabric basted to them as you sit at your sewing machine. Some quilters with arthritis in their hands find this helpful and less painful as well.

You could simply pin the fabric to the leaders or you can use your sewing machine. If you are using your sewing machine to baste the fabric to the leader you should pin-baste first to be sure the fabric is not stretched. Start at the center and work out to each side. Once the pin basting is complete you can use the sewing machine to baste. This is an extra step but the advantages are that the fabric will not be stretched and you will not have sharp pins to deal with as you zip the leaders on/off.

As you prepare to baste the fabric to the leaders take care to keep the loading orientation in order for both the top and backing fabric. Take special care if the backing and top fabrics are directional. Jotting down a quick diagram can help you keep track of all the directions and edges.

Tip: Mark the canvas with the notation “Fabric Side” so that the proper orientation and direction is achieved.

The steps for loading a quilt using zipper leaders are:

  • Check that the quilt top and backing fabric are both square. You will need perfectly straight and square edges to baste or pin to the straight edges of the leaders.
  • Unzip the top fabric leader. Baste the lower edge of the quilt top (the edge that will be quilted last) to the leader.
  • Zip the top fabric leader back on and roll the quilt top onto the roller.
  • Unzip the backing leader. Baste the lower edge of the backing to the leader.
  • Unzip the pick-up leader. Baste the upper edge of the backing to the leader. At this point you will have leaders basted to two edges of the backing.
  • Zip the backing leader to the backing roller and roll the backing onto the roller.
  • Bring the remaining unzipped leader with attached backing up and over the stabilizer bar and zip onto the pick-up roller. Roll the pick-up roller until the backing is taut between the pick-up and backing rollers.
  • Place the batting on top of the backing.
  • Bring the top edge of the quilt top up and over the stabilizer bar and place on top of the batting. Baste across the top edge of the quilt top to hold it in place.