Title Bar: Needle Stop, Channel Lock, Laser

Further information about how to use the Needle Stop, Channel Lock and Laser features.

Connection Information

The Vision™ 2.0 Application communicates to the quilting system using Bluetooth. When connected, the text will read “Connected to Gammill Vision2-XXXX” where XXXX is the last 4 digits of the address of the system it is connected to.

If the application is not connected to a system, it will read “Disconnected”.  If this is the case, communication needs to be established. See the section on Bluetooth Connection for additional information on how to connect the tablet to the system.

The machine must be connected via Bluetooth before the options below will function.

Needle Stop Position

The top bar in the user interface contains several icons to allow quick and easy use of the machine.  The first of these icons controls the position the needle stops when stitching stops.

To stop stitching with the needle down:

Tap the Needle Stop Position icon so the needle indicates the down position.

Notice, when stitching stops, the needle stops in the down position.

To stop stitching with the needle up:

Tap the Needle Stop Position icon so the needle indicates the up position.

Notice, when stitching stops, the needle stops in the up position.

When using the needle down position, the use of a single stitch will result in the needle stopping in the up position for the first press. Subsequent presses of the single stitch button will result in full stitches taken.

Horizontal and Vertical Channel Locks

The Horizontal Channel Lock Icon limits the motion of the machine to a horizontal direction, not allowing any vertical movement. The Vertical Channel Lock Icon limits the motion of the machine to a vertical direction, not allowing any horizontal movement. This feature aids in creating perfectly straight lines whether for basting or stitching.

To engage Channel Lock:

Tap the open Channel Lock icon, either the H for Horizontal or V for Vertical.

Notice the icon locks indicating the channel lock is engaged and the machine only moves in a single direction

To disengage the Channel Lock:

Tap the closed Horizontal Channel Lock icon.

Notice the icon unlocks indicating the channel lock is disengaged and the machine moves freely in all directions.

Troubleshooting Tip: If you are unable to move your machine in any direction, be sure that both horizontal and vertical channel locks are not engaged at the same time.


The Laser icon turns the laser on or off with the tap of a finger. 

To turn the laser on:

Touch the grayed Laser icon.

Notice laser on the Laser icon turns red indicating that the laser is on. 

To turn the laser off:

Touch the red Laser icon.

Notice the laser on the Laser icon turns grey indicating that the laser is off.

This function controls the laser, whether plugged into the front or rear of the machine. The intensity (spot size) of the laser is also user adjustable and is explained in the Laser Settings Section.