File Commands Overview

Explore the options in the File dropdown menu

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File commands control the handling of various types of files.

Project files contain all the information needed to plan and stitch a quilt.

Pattern files contain the information needed to guide the stitcher when stitching the pattern.

Print files and Image files are convenient ways to share ideas.


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New Project

Will start a new empty project OR Will make an empty Project tab and CAD screen.

Open Project

Will present the file dialog box, (titled “Select Stitcher Project File to Open” so you can navigate to the project you need to use. Find the project you need, highlight it, and click Open.

Recent Projects

Another dialog box appears, showing the names and dates of the most recently used projects.

Save Project

Notice the prompts box; it contains the file name, and the path used to save this file. If the path is lengthy, you may have to expand the size of the prompts box, dragging the top edge up.

Save Project As

When the current project has no filename, or if a second copy of the project is desired, the Save Project As option allows the current project to be saved with a new name.

Save Pattern As

Newly created patterns can be saved for future use. Highlight the new pattern and choose File and select Save Pattern As.  This is covered in more detail in the File Commands - Save Pattern section. 


This is a screen print, showing the image as it appears on the CAD.

Import Image

To import an image, for example, of your quilt, select Import Image. This is covered in greater detail in the Image Files section.

Export Image

When an image is exported, a screen print of the CAD area is taken, so adjust the zoom perspective to fill the space first.  This is covered in greater detail in the  Image Files section. 

Import Patterns

This choice will start the Import Patterns routine. This is covered in greater detail in the Import Menu section. 

Gammill PatternCloud

Will initiate the connection with PatternCloud. 

Exit CreativeStudio

Will close CreativeStudio. CS will know if the project was updated since the last save, and will issue a warning if needed.